Things learned:
- Learned how to scrape the web using BeautifulSoup and Selenium
- Technical Area: NLP Models
- Tools: BeautifulSoup, Selenium, BERT, Word2Vec
- Soft Skills: Team-Work, Remote Collaboration, Managing Deadlines
Tools: GitHub, PyTorch, GoogleColab
Collected data from 4000+ posts, 50+ webpages and made a csv dataset on the data.
Implemented TF-IDF on the data.
Visualized the findings using matplotlib.
Meetings attended:
- Week 1 Team meetings, 2 hours (x2)
- Office Hour, 1
- Implement BERT on scraped data.
- Get to know more about types of BERT model.
- Communicate more with the team.
Tasks completed
Performed web scraping of thousands of posts.
Researched about BERT and implemented it in the .csv dataset from the webscraping.