Technical Area:
- Learned about support vector machines (SVM), Gaussian process, and multi-class/multi-label text classification
- GitHub
- Python
- Jupyter
- Sci-kit
- Pandas
- Miro
Soft Skills:
- Communication
- Collaboration on a single project
- Independent problem solving
Achievement Highlights:
- Researched an appropriate algorithm using SVM
- Finding solutions to features needed in the final algorithm
Meetings Attended:
- All required meetings
- Project party on 8/6
Goals for Upcoming Week:
- Determine if there exists a way to calculate individual prediction scores for each label in a multi-label classification method
Tasks Done:
- Researched various multi-class text classification algorithms and weighed pros and cons
- Chose an appropriate linear SVM algorithm
- Fit linear SVM into a OneVsRest classifier for multi-label classification