Weeks 1-2: July 20th – July 31st
Things Learned
Python (Basic) – For Loops, Lists, Conditionals
Data Mining (Basic) – Beautiful Soup and Selenium
- Pandas Dataframe
Code Management: Git, Github
Project Management: Slack, Asana
Code Editing: Anaconda, Python, Visual Studio Code
Soft Skills:
- Learning Mindset
- Online Collaboration
- Problem Solving & Troubleshooting
Achievement Highlights
- Worked with a team in scraping and combining data from a website
- Used Beautiful Soup and Selenium for web scraping
Meetings Attended
- 2-3 Weekly ML Team 6 meetings
- 2 Weekly Codecademy Group meetings
Goals for Upcoming Meetings
- Make observations and begin data pre-processing
- Learn basic machine learning models for recommender systems
Tasks Done
Plan Data Collection: Collaborated with a small group to record observations about the Codecademy forum. Made a report including the metrics, navigation, display, topic elements, and useful categories of the forum.
Data Collection: Scraped a portion of the categories from the Codecademy forum and put together each topic’s title, category, tags, content, and comments into a csv file. Collaborated with the team in scraping the right elements and optimizing code.
Weeks 3-4: August 3rd – August 14th
Things Learned
Python (Basic) – Dictionaries, Functions
Data Pre-Processing (Basic) – Tokenize, Rake, Lemmatizer
Machine Learning Models – TF-IDF score, Vectors, Cosine Similarity
- Jupyter Notebook
- Microsoft Excel
Soft Skills:
- Learning Mindset
- Problem Solving & Troubleshooting
- Resourcefulness
Achievement Highlights
- Performed data cleaning
- Began working with Machine Learning models
Meetings Attended
- 2 Weekly ML Team 6 meetings
Goals for Upcoming Meetings
- Collaborate with team to create a successful machine learning recommendation model
Tasks Done
Data Pre-Processing: Utilized tokenization, stopword removal, stemming / lemmatization, and removal of unwanted characters to clean data. Formatted data into a “bag of words” style format.
Learned Machine Learning Models: Researched, took notes on, and began experimenting with TF-IDF, Simple Transformers, and BERT models for a recommendation system.
Weeks 5-6: August 17th – August 28th
Things Learned
Machine Learning Models – BERT, Sentence Transformers
Soft Skills:
- Public Speaking / Presenting
- Professionalism
Achievement Highlights
- Implemented recommender system
- Completed final presentation
Meetings Attended
- 2 Weekly ML Team 6 meetings
Tasks Done
Implemented Recommender System: Created a machine learning recommendation model using Sentence Bert to perform Semantic Search, returning topics similar to any given query.
Completed Final Presentation: Worked on, practiced, and presented an overview of the project for the team’s leads and STEM-Away’s mentors. Included phases such as Team Setup, Data Collection, Data Pre-Processing, and Data Modeling.