June 13, 2021, 9:35pm
Week 1
Technical Area: The basics of R programming
Tools: The resources linked below the module
Soft Skills: Time management, Virtual collaboration and teamwork
Three achievement highlights:
Journal club
Downloading R/R Studio
Managing time
Tasks completed:
Downloading R/R Studio. Had some problem finding version 4.0 using the link but just googled it and got it.
Journal club (giving a presentation on a figure)
June 20, 2021, 7:54pm
Week 2
Technical Area:
More familiarity with creating R Shiny app.
Downloading database
Using pheatmap package
R Studio
The help given in R Studio
Soft Skills:
Time management
Research skills
Asking for help
Three achievement highlights:
Making R Shiny App
Downloading database
Managing time
Snapshot of RShiny app created:
Tasks completed:
Downloading database. Had some trouble loading it but looked at the guide posted on the Stemaway site and realized that I needed to unzip using some software.
Creating R Shiny App. Had some trouble understanding what to do but used the cheat sheet and googling.
Creating a heatmap. Didn’t know how to view the variables(raw/df) but got helped by Kelly Zhang. Also had trouble figuring out which were cancer and normal cells, but got it by going back to the site where I got the data.
Downloaded Git and created GitHub account.
June 28, 2021, 2:46am
Week 3
Technical Area: Using pheatmap package
R Studio
The help given in R Studio
Soft Skills:
Time management
Research skills
Asking for help
Three achievement highlights:
Creating the heatmap
Understanding more about R
Managing time
The heatmap created with Kelly:
Tasks completed:
Creating a heatmap.
Understanding the other parts of module 3
July 6, 2021, 11:39pm
Week 4
Technical Area: Using various packages
R Studio
The help given in R Studio
Soft Skills:
Time management
Research skills
Asking for help
Three achievement highlights:
Creating the volcano map
Understanding more about R
Managing time
The volcano plot created with Ananya:
Tasks completed:
Creating a volcano plot.
Understanding the other parts of module 4
July 13, 2021, 6:37pm
Week 5
Technical Area: Using various packages
R Studio
The help given in R Studio
Soft Skills:
Time management
Research skills
Asking for help
Three achievement highlights:
Creating the gene-concept network
Understanding more about R
Managing time
The gene ontology network created with Ivan:
Tasks completed:
Creating a gene-concept network.
Understanding the other parts of module 5
July 17, 2021, 5:42pm
Week 6
Technical Area: Using various packages and web-based applications.
R Studio
The help given in R Studio
Soft Skills:
Time management
Research skills
Asking for help
Three achievement highlights:
Using the web based applications to obtain gene ontologies.
Understanding the gene ontologies.
Managing time
Gene ontologies (top parts) in order of BP, MF, CC from DAVID and Enrichr, created with Aditi:
From Enrichr:
Tasks completed:
Obtaining gene ontologies.
Understanding the other parts of module 6
July 30, 2021, 3:42pm
Week 7-8
Technical Area: Using all the packages used in previous modules to analyze GSE4107 for the capstone project.
R Studio
The help given in R Studio
Previous work from the modules
Soft Skills:
Time management (especially since this was a bigger project than the modules so we had to plan it out more carefully)
Research skills
Asking for help
Virtual collaboration and teamwork
Three achievement highlights:
Finishing and presenting the capstone project along with group members(Ivan, Arian, Kelly, Ananya, Roman)
Understanding more about R and how all the modules come together
Finding literature about CCN1/Cyr61
Tasks completed:
Creating and presenting capstone project
Finishing up Stemaway