README - Information about AI Project Engine

Projects • Automated Prescreening • Interview Prep

Where Projects Meet Possibilities: Upskill with Industry-Aligned Projects

Your Comprehensive Portal for STEM Projects

:one: Categories with Open Access:

  • AI Project Engine: Engage with mentor-submitted or AI-generated projects. Influence development by voting. Each project pairs with a Code-Along Discussion for deeper engagement.

  • Code-Along Discussions: Participate in QA, share insights, and deepen understanding of projects.

Note: The AI Project Engine is intended for voting only. For discussions, refer to the Code-Along Discussions category.

:two: Categories Open to Subscribers Only:

  • STEM-Away Mentorship: Receive ongoing support via our active forums. Experts regularly engage to answer questions and guide projects. Click for schedule.

:three: Tack Usage

  • AI Project Generation: Generate and submit project ideas using the AI Project Engine. Cost: 5 tacks.

    Earn back your tacks and more by contributing impactful projects. Votes are tallied monthly, with rewards as follows:

    • 30+ votes: 25 tacks
    • 10-29 votes: 15 tacks
    • 5-10 votes: 5 tacks
  • AI Mentor: Our t3 chatbot is ready to assist you with project-related queries. Each chatbot is specifically trained for its designated project. Cost: 12 tacks per project.

    After your session, share insights—whether derived directly from the AI mentor session or formulated on your own—and earn tacks based on community votes, tallied monthly:

    • 30+ votes: 35 tacks
    • 10-29 votes: 25 tacks
    • 5-10 votes: 12 tacks
  • Evaluations

    • Multiple-Choice Quiz: First two attempts are free. Subsequent tries cost 5 tacks each.
    • t3 AI mentor/evaluator: 35 tacks

Key Features & Unique Functionalities

:globe_with_meridians: Innovative Technology-Driven Project Generation

  • AI Project Engine: Utilizes past internship data and adapts to real-time industry demands, creating Skill-Builder Projects that meet current needs.
  • Benefit: Stay ahead with projects updated to reflect the latest industry trends, ensuring your skills are competitive.

:busts_in_silhouette: Inclusivity by Bridging Individual and Collaborative Learning

  • Individual Projects: Start with Skill-Builder projects to hone individual skills.
  • Team-Based Projects: Progress to collaborative projects that simulate real-world professional environments.
  • Benefit: Develop critical teamwork skills, enhancing your professional adaptability.