Samanyu Madhavarao Self-Assessment Summer 2023

Project Title:

AWS Integration Lead


Aided other project leads in integrating the GPT API into the overall project, using AWS to add a pipeline for machine learning.


[Your Pathway]

Mentor Chains® Role:

[Your Role]

Goals for the Internship:

  1. Gain experience working on more sophisticated projects
  2. Work with various people around the country and world
  3. Learn more about how machine learning and artificial intelligence work

Be concise. Draw people in. Have 5 goals max.

Achievement Highlights:

  1. Learned about AWS and how it can be used for projects
  2. Helped organize AWS team meetings
  3. Improved skills in programming and API integration

Be concise. Draw people in. Have 5 highlights max

Challenges Faced:

  1. I had a lack of experience working with the GPT API and AWS.
  2. Communicating with other teams and people in different time zones could often be difficult.
  3. Planning and organizing the pipeline took a lot of time and effort.

Detailed Statement:

  • This is your project report. Focus on technical and soft skills. Make this as detailed as possible to accurately capture your contributions to the project.

STEM-Away Certificate for Samanyu Madhavarao.pdf (670.5 KB)