Technical Areas:
- Expanded knowledge about Flysense vaping detector
- Became familiar with Forum
- Google Drive/Hangout
- Slack
Soft Skills:
- Learning teamwork skills in a remote environment
- Reaching out to team leads with questions
Three achievements:
- Learned more about both Flysense and Halo Vaping Detector
- Completed my first presentations.
- Made Slack
List of Meetings/Trainings Attended:
- Team Meeting 4
- Team Meeting 5
- Office Hours
- Work on Week 5 Deliverables
- Attend meetings for Week 5
- Go to more meetings
- Getting more comfortable with my team members
Tasks Completed/Hurdles Faced:
- Haven’t started on Week 5 deliverables
- Struggling with Quartus
#teamwork #problem-solving #communication #soft-skills #presenting