Vsrikar08 - Machine Learning Pathway

Things I did in the past 5 weeks.
Week 1- I got familiar with web scraping and particularly the beautiful soup library where I made my own web scrapping forum thing
Week 2- I worked on a particular forum and worked to get the data out of them. While it was very difficult for me, I achieved my goal at the very end and got my own forum.
Week 3- I got myself familiar with NLP algorithms to vectorized thee text. I finally decided that Td IDf would be the easiest implementation. Although it was very difficult, I eventually managed to learn more about TDIDF and eventually managed to implement it on a data set.
Week 4- We finally worked on teams. I joined a team that web scrapped through a forum and helped our team get the end goal of predicting similar posts for a user to use.
Week 5- We finally finished our project and performed several classification models to classify these texts using NLP algorithms
Technical skills I learned: I learned so much about machine learning in general and how the logic works. In particular, I got acquainted with many different libraries and helped understand data web scraping. I also got much more confident with using python, a language that I only learned a few months before the project started.
Other skills: I learned how to divide tasks and work remotely. I made sure I made most of the meetings and I learned how to talk to people as well.

Participation/ performance not adequate for certificate. Assessed by leads.